7 Diet That Will Supercharge Your Creativity
The creative arts is hard. You wait for
inspiration and it just won’t come. Sometimes it arrives in the middle
of the night when you have to be awake at 5am for your day job.
Sometimes it seems like it will never visit again.
The most frustrating thing is when you are in the middle of a block.
You have part of the story but you don’t know where it will go next.
Some days you just don’t feel like it and hanging up your pencil,
paintbrush, or video camera and going into accounting. The pay is better
and more reliable, after all.The problem is that we can’t quit. Creative types are not able to just turn it off and on like a faucet. These things are second nature to us and the great joys and travails of our lives. So, what can we do when inspiration has run dry?
There are some foods that are considered a great way to supercharge your creativity and get those juices flowing again. Let’s take a look.
Back in the 1800s, coffee was king in London before tea took over and the inspiration that came out of this era is well-documented. Coffee is a stimulant and can prompt a sluggish brain. Be careful of overdoing it. You may just end up with shaky hands and no new ideas.
Green tea
Fresh fruit and produce
Unprocessed food straight from Mother Nature is one of the best things you can eat to promote creativity. These foods are also the healthiest available because they are uncomplicated and provide the most natural nutrients to the human body. They will help stimulate the brain and are also great options for a balanced diet overall. See here for 10 Recreational Activities to Keep You Fresh, Inspired & Creative
Red wine
Ernest Hemingway once famously said, ‘Write drunk, edit sober’. We’re not promoting wild inebriation but a glass of wine may relax the mind before writing. It’s always a good idea to calm your anxieties and if you’ve come to a creative standstill it might be time to put your nerves at ease.
Red wine also includes other health benefits so it’s a win-win situation for creatives looking to unlock their potential. It will also help you sleep, and as artists we could all use more rest.
Nuts and seeds
Super-food powder
Super-foods such as spirulina or wheat-grass are great for adding into a juice or smoothie to give them an extra brain-bursting boost. If you dislike the taste of these powders (and, let’s face it, they don’t all taste great), just add extra fruit to your juice or smoothie to sweeten the taste.
One of the issues facing many creative types is that they often forget to eat while working or they have poor eating habits. It’s important to stay healthy and eat well. This is one of the ways you can take care of your own creative life.
The body and mind need to have good fuel in order to work properly and that goes for people in the creative arts as much as anyone else. Remember to keep yourself fed with decent, healthy fare and you’ll soon find inspiration returning to you.
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